QR codes are an excellent way to gain the attention of and connect with your audience.
They’re easy to read, print, and scan, which means you can use them in any type of environment.
QR codes can play a significant role in event marketing and planning and can be used at conferences, conventions, and even concerts.
What are QR Codes

QR codes are two-dimensional barcodes that the camera can read on your smartphone. The codes are used in various applications, including retail stores and restaurants, print media, and more.
QR codes are created using a QR code generator app on your phone to create unique codes for each event you plan to promote with them.
Promoting your event with flyers, billboards, and posters around the town is great but having a QR code on them will make them even more effective for your marketing efforts.
Once they scan these codes into their phones, they receive information about where this particular event took place and other details about it: who organized it, when it happened, and what happened during it.
How to Create a QR Code for Events
QR codes are an as excellent way to promote and add the event to their calendar on their phone and make sure they won’t forget to attend it.
Using a QR code generator like www.qrmagick.com, you can create custom QR codes that will allow people to directly have the event saved to their calendar with all the information and links.

- Go to www.qrmagick.com
- Select the “Event” QR Code type
- Fill out your information for the Event with the location, time, link description, etc
- Test and Download the QR code
Once they scan the code, they’ll be taken straight to where you need them to go and have access to more information about what’s going on at your event and even save it directly to the calendar.
You can also use these codes in social media ads and postcards sent out through email blasts or mailing lists. You need to ensure the font size is big enough so people can read it easily. It is recommended to use an 8-point font size for maximum legibility.
Why use QR Code for Event Marketing and Planning
QR codes are an easy-to-use, cost-effective way to promote events, products, or services, and they can be used in many ways.
You can create a QR code that you can use on your website or social media channels. This will help you to get more traffic and make people aware of what’s going on at your events. For example, if there is an event lined up and is coming up soon and want people to know about it, then create a QR code so they can scan it with their phone or tablet device so they can check out the details later on.
Another way of using QR codes is by putting up posters around town that contain information about upcoming events that are free for everyone who comes along. This way, there will be no need for any advertising campaigns, and your marketing will be helped by word of mouth.
QR Code for Event Marketing and Event Planning
The first use of QR codes is as marketing tools, and they can be used to promote your event by simply bringing more visitors to your site.
To do this, you’ll need a platform that allows you to host and manage these images. There are many options out there. Some are free, others paid, but worth the investment due to ease of use and flexibility. Once you have your hosting solution in place, then all that is left is creating the code itself.
QR codes are a great way to connect with your audience. They are very cheap and easy to use, making them ideal for event marketing.
Here are some ways you can use QR codes at your event:

- Event Ticketing: You can use the QR code on your tickets or on any other materials you send out with guests before the event starts. This will help make sure that people who have purchased tickets know where they can find them in case they forget them at home or drop by late without an appointment with someone from the venue staff.
- Trade Shows: If you’re planning on exhibiting at a trade show, consider printing out some freebie swag, like stickers, using these codes so that attendees who come by during breaks can get new information about what else is going on around town. At the same time, they wait in line for some coffee instead of wasting time talking about politics with their friends back home over some other place.
If you’re going to be hosting an event or even just planning one, it’s crucial that you keep your audience informed about what’s happening. QR codes can be used as a tool for follow-up on the event, and they’re beneficial when there is limited space available in printed materials.
Dynamic QR codes are generated using QR Code Generator and then encoded into a web page using HTML5. This makes it convenient for you to update your event’s details at any time.
QR Code Advertisement is a great way to get people interested in attending by giving them access to information they need before they come. For example, if you’re hosting an event on blockchain technology, create a QR code that provides information about how it works and where people can learn more about it something like “Learn More About Blockchain”.
You can also use QR codes as part of conference materials such as handouts or posters at conferences or expositions where there’s interest in what you’ve done so far but not necessarily enough for people who aren’t already familiar with these topics.
They’ll also make great promoting items for those who might want something special out of their time at these types of events too.
Furthermore, Conference organizers can include additional information about speakers, sessions, and schedules, as well as biographies or lists of attendees in viewable formats like PDFs or images that users can scan on their mobile devices.
In addition to this, QR codes can also be used to promote your event by displaying them on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This makes it easy for people who are already connected with you through these platforms to find out more about the event they’re interested in attending.
Benefits of Using QR Codes for Event Marketing and Planning
When you are planning an event and if you want to make sure that everyone knows about it. QR codes are the best way to do that, without a doubt. With these codes, your audience can scan them and instantly learn about all of the great things happening at your event.
QR codes are portable, easy to use, and can be used on any device like a smartphone, tablet, or computer. They’re also available in multiple languages, so even if someone doesn’t speak English fluently, they can still get information from your event.
Creating a QR code is fast and easy. Many tools are available online, allowing anyone with basic skills in technology enough time to create one within minutes. Once created, it can then be distributed where needed via email campaigns or social media channels such as Facebook Messenger, etc.
QR codes are easy to use. Scanning a barcode brings up more information about an event at the touch of a button. It’s just like using Facebook Messenger without all those annoying ads. And the other people who missed your event because they were caught up with some additional work will be able to check out what happened without missing anything important, even if someone else scanned your code.

Once created, a QR code can be used in any format, like an online post on blogs or websites, PDF documents, text messages, and even printable flyers with instructions on how best to use them. They’re not just limited by size either, and you could place one on top of an event poster. Hence, attendees know where they need to go next during registration time at events like conferences or conventions where multiple locations might be involved depending on what type of event it may be held each year.
QR codes are great to use when it comes to event marketing, but there are some things that you need to keep in check. For example, you should always try to include your contact information on the code so people can quickly get in touch if they have any questions or concerns about your event.
Also, make sure that the size of your logo and text are big enough so that people can see them clearly without having problems reading them on their phone screens while they’re holding them up close. Next time they want to go back through old photos from last year’s conference.
- How do you use a QR code for an event?
QR codes can be scanned from a printed ticket or their digital versions directly from attendees’ mobile devices will.
- Locate the event in the QR code tab.
- Manually mark the ticket as scanned.
- View the event ticket summary.
- Download the participant list.
- How long does a QR code stay active?
QR codes now do not expire. There is a quick link behind the QR code. While the short link is active, the QR code will continue to work. Quicklinks are always active unless removed or archived.
- How do I create a QR code for an invitation?
Five steps to creating your wedding QR code
Step 1:Go to Qrmagick.com …
Step 2: Select “Event QR type ” and Fill out the details
Step 3: Choose the QR code’s desired size, color, and format.
Step 4: Test and download the QR code
Step 5: Add to your Wedding design invitation and then print them
- Are QR codes for Events cheaper than barcodes?
If you consider QR code readers (more efficient than smartphones), unfortunately, they are much more expensive than barcode readers.
- How much information can a QR code store?
The QR code can handle all kinds of data, such as B. numeric and alphabetic characters, kanji, kana, hiragana, symbols, and binary and control codes. Up to 7089 characters can be encoded in a symbol. A QR code icon of this size can encode 300 alphanumeric characters.
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Also Read Dynamic QR Codes Vs. Static QR Codes
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